A journey it has been and continues to be! As a lover of body products at a young age, I would mix all kinds of potions right in my grandmothers’ bathroom. It became my secret lab. I was so fascinated by the chemical reactions by mixing one product with another. I remember once scaring myself half to death as fumes and vapor escaped from my bowl into the atmosphere. I was more afraid of what my grandmother would do than my actual safety. Fortunately, there was no explosion and Gram never got a whiff. Fast-forwarding to high school, I obtained an interest in reading about natural herbs and oils. I remember suggesting to friends and classmates different natural concoctions to help with skin issues. I never gave thought to pursuing my interest as an actual career. Instead, I job hopped, went to school for information technology and human resources when all along this was my actual calling. In my twenties, I decided to teach myself about skin and hair by reading and attending webinars. I began selling soaps at a job I was working with much success. However, I gave up and continued schooling and working for years. I landed top paying jobs and positions and most times maintained a high grade point average in whatever I decided to take up at the time. I was still never happy or content with anything, the only job I enjoyed was care giving and that did not pay much. Finally, one day I could not do it anymore, I began making natural products for friends and family, while building a social media customer base, which grew more than I expected. CcMe became a household brand! My mission has grown into spreading the benefit of natural herbs, oils, butters, and nature as a whole. Offering products of premium quality thoroughly researched and tested by others just like you who are looking to invest in a more natural life. I thank you so much for trusting me with your families’ natural health and beauty needs!